
Soluciones de tratamiento para residuos de riesgo infeccioso Linkedin

WHO Recommendations

The World Health Organization and the UNICEF recently published their recommendations on waste management, water, sanitation, and hygiene during the COVID 19 crisis. They specifically mention the importance of on-site management and treatment, enabling better control and understanding of the waste treatment circuit and biological risk.

“All health care waste produced during the care of COVID 19 patients should be collected safely in designated containers and bags, treated, and then safely disposed of or treated, or both, preferably onsite. If waste is moved off-site, it is critical to understand where and how it will be treated and destroyed.” Page 4, Paragraph 7.

All of the WHO recommendations

On-site treatment allows rapid, economical waste management and limits the spread of infectious risk by centralizing all the actions to be taken for the disposal of healthcare waste.


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